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Description: 使用伯克利套接字以及Select实现了一个聊天大厅, 使用GCC编译, 平台为linux或者类unix系统.
Platform: | Size: 8436 | Author: 785771350@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 用于大量socket连接时使用IOCP捕获连接关闭事件以便释放资源的程序。可以解决winsock的AsyncSelect对句柄个数的限制问题- Uses in when the massive socket connection uses IOCP to catch the connection closure event in order to release resources procedure. May solve the winsock AsyncSelect 瀵瑰彞 handle integer limit problem
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCSocketModel

Description: 提供CSocketModel类完整代码:"CSocketModel.zip" 该类是SOCKET通讯综合模型,该类完成后将包装各种SOCKET通讯模式(阻塞select,异步窗口,异步事件,重叠I/O,完成I/O)等.它可以被各种通讯程序方便采用.尤其是基于SERVER/CLIENT的SERVER程序会提高大幅度性能.如果使用人要完成特定的通讯功能可以从该类继承,增加对线程池的支持功能。-provide complete CSocketModel category code : "CSocketModel.zip" SOCKET is such integrated communications model, such completion, will repackage the mode of communication SOCKET (blocking select, asynchronous window, asynchronous events, overlapping I/O, complete I/O). It can be the species used to facilitate the communication process. based particularly SERVER/CLIENT SERVER the procedures significantly improve performance. If people use to accomplish specific communication from such succession, increasing the pool of threads support.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 张其 | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkSelect()系统调用及 文件描述符集fd_set的应用

Description: Select()系统调用及 文件描述符集fd_set的应用.rar-Select () system call and file descriptors set fd_set applications. Rar
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 魏秦 | Hits:


Description: 该程序演示了使用SOCKET select API模型,对用SOCKET进行网络服务器编程来说可以是一个很好指导-demonstration of the procedure used SOCKET select API model used for network server socket programming because it is a good guide
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: c 语言.多线程.socket网络编程服务端.对select的应用-c language. Multithreading. Socket-network programming services. Select the right Application
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 柳心雨 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxsocket

Description: 一个智能门禁系统的linux的程序,select方式数据驱动方式,对于搞嵌入linux开发的朋友有一定参考价值-An intelligent access control system linux procedures, select the way data-driven way, for engaging in the development of embedded linux friends have a certain reference value
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: hugeant | Hits:


Description: select socket 完成的聊天室 简单的代码 完成对select socket的熟悉-select socket to complete a simple chat room select socket code to complete familiarity with the
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: gujing | Hits:


Description: window网络模型之select篇 实现的远程下载的程序 包括客户端服务器-network model window of select articles to achieve the process of downloading the remote client-server
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: wake | Hits:


Description: select socket linux网络编程-select socket
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fcode | Hits:


Description: linux下使用select函数实现多个socket无阻塞连接-linux use select function of multiple non-blocking socket connect
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jususe | Hits:


Description: socket编程。winsock编程实现网络通信。 非阻塞模式实现面向连接一个服务器和多个客户端的收发数据(select模型) 阻塞模式实现面向无连接的一对一的通信 1.学习通过winsock编程实现网络通信。 2.学习面向连接和面向无连接的网络通讯方式的编程。 3.学习阻塞和非阻塞模式的网络通讯的编程。 4.熟悉与winsock有关的API函数的用法。 -socket programming. winsock network communications programming implementation. Non-blocking mode of connection-oriented implementation of a server and multiple client to send and receive data (select models) for non-blocking mode of communication to connect one-on-one 1. Learn through winsock network communications programming implementation. 2. Study connection-oriented and connectionless-oriented network communication programming. 3. Learn obstructive and non-blocking mode of network communication programming. 4. Familiar with winsock related to the usage of API functions.
Platform: | Size: 7334912 | Author: qingangjun | Hits:


Description: socket编程基础2select函数的应用,用select来实现阻塞等待-socket programming 2select function based on the application, use select to wait for the realization of obstruction
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 崔强 | Hits:


Description: TCP和UDP 传输源码,还有 select 模型-TCP_UDP Transfer Examples,and Select
Platform: | Size: 3214336 | Author: tony chen | Hits:


Description: linux 环境下socket编程select的使用方法.-socket programming under linux to use select.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: kusiya | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHYSocket

Description: select socket源代码:本程序详细列举了select方式下socket的创建和收发机制,并形成模块化,方便使用。-select socket source code: This procedure detailly shows how to create a select mode socket, and how to send and receive mechanism. The output file is a dll, very easy to use.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: songlianchao | Hits:


Description: socket使用select能够减少资源占用. 本程序使用了select功能-socket using select to reduce resource consumption. This program uses the select function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张化 | Hits:


Description: 单线程并发服务器(select) 编程. errexit()和passiveTCP()两个方法见"linux socket通信示例(传送文件)"文章-common implementation of thread pool logic for httpd and config.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: allen | Hits:


Description: socket通信模型EventSelect,Overlapped,select,WSAAsyncSelect,WSAEventSelect的实例代码-socket communication model
Platform: | Size: 8039424 | Author: qiuyili | Hits:

[Grid Computingwindows-socket

Description: 几种常用的Windows Socket 模型 好用又实用。-Windows Socket model several kinds of useful and practical.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: mingming | Hits:
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